Congratulations to the winners of our first annual Pizzazz A Mask Competition, and thank you to everyone who participated in this new event! With the help of participants and donors, we were able to raise $3,000 for Mercy Kids Children’s Hospital! For this competition, we had different categories for DESIGN, FUNCTION & BEST OF SHOW. See the winners below!
2020 Design Winners:
First Place: Light ‘Em Up, St. Louis Lighting Group
Internally illuminated face mask! Festive for the holidays!
Second Place: Smells Like Quarantine Holiday Spirit, Faith Group
Smells like Quarantine Holiday Spirit’s mask was inspired by Christine’s 11-year-old niece who is currently a cancer survivor. Malorie’s cancer battle began at the age of two. Christine’s sister and her family moved back to St. Louis in February of 2011, and by October realized something was not right. Nobody could figure it out; however, after several Emergency Room, Doctor, and Specialist visits, on 11.11.11 an ependymoma brain tumor was discovered. Malorie spent a lot of time in the hospital that holiday season with a grueling surgery and multiple radiation treatments.
We chose Rudolph because Malorie loves animals. If a nurse were to wear our mask, we believe it would have brought a BIG smile to Malorie’s face and even a cute little giggle. We are hoping that it will do the same for some other kids (and kids at heart) at Mercy Hospital.
Third Place: Crazy Ideas, Idea Architects
Virus Armor is the name of the mask and our intent was to play off the clothing company brand “Under-Armor” with a distinct focus on the “Armor” aesthetic. As you can see the logo on the front of the mask is derived by overlapping a “V” and an “A” and is heavily inspired by the “Under Armor” logo. Additionally, we also chose to make a connection to the construction industry by using aluminum flashing for the metal portion of the mask. The aluminum flashing was fabricated using sheet metal shears and a hand brake. The straps are cut from leather and were fastened to the meal mask using aluminum pop rivets. The metal scallops were temporarily held in place using painters’ tape so they could more easily be re-positioned. Once the final positions of all the scallops were made the inside of the mask was clad in suede to cover any exposed sharp edges, hold the mask together, and to aid in user comfort. Not to mention it smells really good while wearing it.
2020 Function Winners:
First Place: High Five Heroes, CASCO
Our children’s mask integrated several innovative concepts that were developed to improve the functional performance while also considering the audience of our mask design, the wonderful children of the Mercy Kids Pediatric Floor.
The innovative concepts include:
1. TWO-SIDED NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION: The mask considered a child friendly two-sided design that is to be used as a non-verbal communication tool. The “occupational character” side of the mask is to communicate that the child is open to engagement while the “hands-ups” side is signaling that they prefer quiet time.
2. SILICONE GEL SEAL: The mask integrated silicone gel strips to provide a better seal at the cheeks to prevent children with glasses from getting fogged lenses. The silicone gel strips also help prevent the mask from shifting or sliding on the face when talking, singing and playing.
3. BOTTOM PLEATS: While most pleated masks are rectangular and not form fitting at the bridge of the nose, our innovative mask keeps the shape of the nose for best fit while providing a pleat on the bottom of the mask for necessary vertical adjustments for improved fitting of children with longer face shapes. The overall result is a better fitting mask to reduce virus transmission and improved safety.
4. METAL BAND: The bridge of the nose is equipped with an adjustable metal band for better fit. The band does not poke through the fabric like many masks equipped with a metal wire.
Second Place: The Griswolds, Faith Group
Unicorn Ring Toss
Learn to toss like a boss, ANYWHERE! With Unicorn Ring Toss, you can play a quick game of ring toss anywhere you are. Your adorable unicorn PPE doubles as a portable game; the rainbow rings are actually bracelets you can wear on your wrist, so you always have a game of fun wherever you go!
Disclaimer: Horsing around highly likely.
Third Place: Eggs in One Masket, Faith Group
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, defeat the Coronavirus. Don’t just stop the threat,
BE THE THREAT! This tactical germ take-down mask has it all!
Double Nerfs to keep predators at bay and 6 feet away.
Clear shield so people can still see what you have to say.
Light to zap molecules and disinfect.
Pedometer to help you on your trek.
Side mirrors to view your periphery.
Target scope to zone in on the enemy.
Laser beam to zap germy spies.
And extra storage for all your supplies.
This Mask will self-destruct in COVID-19 seconds.
Best of Show 2020 Winner: Doggie Face, Facet Architectural Design
In order to better protect our valued healthcare workers and other essential employees on the front lines of this serious public health crisis, many of us have not had access to face masks with the highest filtration ratings. We’ve often turned to the next best thing to protect ourselves, our families & society in general… KN 95 Masks!
These imported masks offer incrementally increased protection over the many beautiful and expressive styles of cloth masks, made at home or otherwise, that have been popular and also very helpful. The problem… no fun!
Plain white, disposable, bulky, built for function & not for artistic expression, they can’t be dyed, painted, marker-ed, or have their filtration surfaces altered safely at all.
The Process: Doggie Face! Aims to address this dilemma.. Snout first!
Additional Submissions:
AP Joy, Working Spaces
In a year as tough as 2020 has been this mask was simply made to make one feel joy during this holiday season.
Bau-Wow, Wolf Gordon & Kelley Seating
A bow to Bauhaus. A child-inspired and playful flare.
Claire & Connie, Working Spaces
Based on De Stijl, we followed the lines of the fold in the mask to create this design
HDA, HDA Architects
Functional mask in Bauhaus inspired upholstery.
Monarch Mayhem, Spellman Brady & Company
This mask is not only beautiful, but functional. A soft colorful butterfly eye mask attaches and detaches to the bottom mask allowing for easy cleanability.
Oates Folks, Oates & Associates
Kids: our real superheroes. This Captain America themed mask was designed with kids in mind. The dominant “A” and stars are recognizable features of Captain America. Along with the wings on either side of the mask, which are present on Captain America’s helmet, we hope that any child who wears this mask feels like they can soar to new heights!
Rainbow Sparkles, Working Spaces
This mask was made to make you sparkle! Not only will it go with any outfit since it has all colors of the rainbow, but it sports ear rings while you wear it too. From the rhinestones that show and say “Sparkle” to the glitter glue holding this bad mamajama together…this is a mask for the record books.
Team Funny Faces, Faith Group
We wanted a mask that was fun for the kids to wear but was also functional and comfortable. We knew too that it needed to withstand a washing. We went with 100% cotton so it was soft on the face/skin. We included a filter in between the fabric sides so to better ventilate the air breathed through it. We finished it with elastic holdings so it fits and stays on comfortable and snuggly. We then decorated it to look like the iconic Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to make it fun and festive for children to enjoy.
The Bedazzlers, Code Consultants
Ruby is my name. I am here to provide sparkle and shine to a year that has been less than divine.
The Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins, CASCO
MFL (Mercy Football League) Football
The Masketeers, Code Consultants
I am the 2020 ugly Christmas mask and I am here to brighten your day. Put me on and show me off so I can keep Covid at bay.
Woven Identity, CD Companies & R|5 Design Agency
Hospitals all over the world have put extreme protocols in place to protect its staff and patients including: mandatory masks, limiting visitors and visiting hours to not allowing visitors at all. While these may be necessary, these protocols have played an impact on the the children who are in long-term care. While it is already difficult enough to battle the condition causing their hospital stay, children are now forced to endure long-term isolation from loved ones due to visiting restrictions. Many are unable to go outside or even leave their rooms resulting in some feeling loneliness and/ or a loss of purpose and identity. The art of weaving is a profound metaphor for understanding the workings of the universe and our place in it. The physical process of weaving, permits an understanding of this world and how we as human beings are woven into it. The weave pattern serves as a reminder that though the child who receives this mask may be in prolonged isolation, they have a place in this world and are not forgotten. The earth tones, flowers and the raw state of the weave (plant fibers) together make reference to the world outside that exists beyond the walls they are surrounded by. As the child is unable to choose their own outfit and is required to wear a face mask, I made flower and letter magnets so they could customize it. Whether they decide to rock their favorite color or choose to sport their initials, it serves to give them a sense of uniqueness and identity.
Yellow Submarine, CD Companies
Retro Colorful 60’s design has been hand colored onto a floral white on white fabric for a FEELIN’ GROOVY vibe. The other side of the mask boasts yellow submarines the lyrics to the Beatles tune. The mask is designed to be reversible.
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